It's that time of year again! Many of our members' parents may be looking at their tax filing, and may be looking for their receipts for the sports credit.
As a reminder - for House League and for the HCR player registration fees ($550), these receipts can be obtained by going to and clicking on the Registration tab. Enter your email and password and you will find your receipts.
For Rep and Rostered Select, additional team fees paid, please obtain the receipt from your team manager.
To make things easier, we have provided a form in our library (click through to the link).
It is the
Head Coach and Team Manager's responsibility to confirm and sign off on the fees paid to your team and that the fees paid were received during the calendar year for the tax filing (ie in 2015). As there were some questions last year, we have also included a WSMHA explanation of the fees and eligibility.
Happy Tax Filing!
Tax Receipts for Child Fitness
WSMHA acknowledgement tax receipt
Team receipt form