2019- 2020 Player/Parent Survey, News (Whitchurch Stouffville Minor Hockey Association)

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Dec 18, 2019 | webmaster | 1491 views
2019- 2020 Player/Parent Survey
The 2019- 2020 Player/Parent Survey is now available on the WSMHA website. We are asking that each family complete and submit one survey for each child participating in our House League, Rostered Select or Representative programs.  The deadline for submitting surveys is January 11, 2020.

2019 - 2020 House League Parent/Player Survey

2019 - 2020 RS Parent/Player Survey

2019 - 2020 REP Parent/Player Survey

Survey Objectives 

The WSMHA conducts an annual survey of parents and players with several objectives in mind:
1. To provide the Association with direct feedback from the membership re: our programs and more particularly on ways we can improve the minor hockey experience in Stouffville.
2. To inform the Association as to any questions or concerns the membership may have as it relates to any aspect of our operations, governance or administration.
3. To provide our coaches, trainers and managers with input from parents and players re: individual team programs.

It should be noted that parents and players sometimes have specific questions or concerns which would best be dealt with through a conversation with a representative of the organization or the coaching staff.  This survey is not designed nor intended to substitute for such a conversation.  If you have specific concerns or questions and are unsure as to the best approach for having them resolved please contact the Hockey Office in confidence and we will assist you.


The value of any survey is highly dependent on the honesty and objectivity of the respondents. We are very much aware that survey respondents are often concerned that their feedback may “flash back” on their child. With that in mind, the WSMHA goes to great lengths to maintain respondent confidentiality. 
1.  Access to individual completed surveys is restricted to a member of the Board of Directors who is responsible for summarizing the data by program and team.
2.  No individual survey results are provided to anyone other than the Director responsible for collating the results, and all individual surveys are destroyed as soon as the results have been tabulated in summary form.
3.  Verbal comments and suggestions are very helpful in helping us to understand issues, but great care is taken to summarize any commentary in such a way as to not reveal the source of the  comment.

We hope you will take the time to complete and return a survey.