Directors of the WSMHA and the Kids First Fund are pleased
to announce that we will be continuing a program to provide financial
assistance to a WSMHA member enrolled in a post-secondary educational program
launched last year. A “Kids First Fund” bursary valued at up to $3000 will be
available to a current member of the WSMHA planning to attend a recognized
Canadian university, community college or trade school.
The recipient will be chosen by a Selection Committee composed of WSMHA and Kids First Fund directors from amongst applicants and nominees “who have demonstrated a commitment to the Game, the Association and the Community”. Potential candidates may apply directly, or be nominated by a third party. Nominees/applicants will be required to submit an essay describing how they have demonstrated their commitment to the game of Hockey, the WSMHA and/or the community of Whitchurch-Stouffville. Nominees/applicants may be interviewed by the Selection Committee as part of the selection process. The successful candidate will be announced at the Association’s Annual General Meeting. Any current member of the Association wishing to apply, or anyone wishing to nominate a candidate may do so by submitting a Nomination/Application Form available from the WSMHA Hockey Office by May 02, 2020. All applications and nominations will be handled in a confidential manner and distribution limited to the Selection Committee.
“This bursary rewards a young Stouffville student athlete for their hard work and effort with respect to sport, our local minor hockey program and the community of Whitchurch Stouffville” says WSMHA President Mike McGuire. “We are thrilled to partner with the Kids First Fund to help fuel continuing education for the deserving winner"