U7, U9 & U11 Player Pathway Implementation, News (Whitchurch Stouffville Minor Hockey Association)

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Mar 11, 2020 | webmaster | 5112 views
U7, U9 & U11 Player Pathway Implementation
In the continued implementation process of the Hockey Canada Player Pathways for U7 (Initiation), U9 (Novice) and U11 (Atom) for the 2020-2021 season, the Ontario Minor Hockey Association has received the complete finalized versions of the Player Pathway documents originally released in December.

These documents will support member Associations as they continue to plan programming for the 2020-2021 season.  

To access the OMHA documents, use the links on our website which can be found under the "Volunteers" tab on our Home page.

Volunteers - Team Staff Resources - Coaches
