Arena Access - September 30, News (Whitchurch Stouffville Minor Hockey Association)

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Sep 30, 2021 | webmaster | 13313 views
Arena Access - September 30
Coaches, Players and Parents,   As outlined in a press release from the Town of Whitchurch-Stouffville and York Region Public Health Unit it was announced on September 28 that only those individuals 12+ who could provide proof that they have been double vaccinated would be allowed to enter Stouffville Arena or Clipper Complex effective October 1, 2021. This represents a significant change from the previous protocol which stipulated a deadline of October 31 for participants.  The WSMHA is committed to ensuring that our players are not disadvantaged in any way by such changes and we are going to proceed with tryouts as scheduled this weekend.  

If any player is unable to attend their scheduled tryout due to this new protocol the Town has implemented, we ask that you please email Julia La Marca at [email protected] and we will arrange for a time and place where these players can have the chance to tryout.   

The WSMHA will continue to work with our volunteers, parents, and players to minimize disruptions to our return-to-play plans while taking any steps necessary to protect the health and safety of all our members.  

We appreciate your patience as we navigate through these unprecedented times.  
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