The Town of Whitchurch-Stouffville has made some changes
to the screening process that should allow for faster moving lines as
patrons/players enter the facilities. They are
contract tracing’ through the Town’s screening application and instead will be
moving to a ‘
verbal acknowledgement’ of not possessing symptoms or been in
contact with COVID-19 or have not travelled outside of Canada as our obligation
for ‘active screening’ as regulated through the province of Ontario.
So, upon entry moving forward, all patrons 12 and above will require…
· Validated QR Code (scanned to green check mark)
· Proof of Identification (matching name on QR receipt)
· Verbal acknowledgement related to symptoms, close contact and travel. (There will be a sign posted to refer to)
As a reminder, the following housekeeping items for patrons to utilizing the facilities:
- Entry is limited to patrons no more than 30 minutes in advance of their rental
- No in-facility warm-up is permitted, outside of the team’s allocated dressing room. This includes the dressing room hallway!!
- Food and Drink can only be consumed while seated