Helmets and Skates WANTED!, News (Whitchurch Stouffville Minor Hockey Association)

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Nov 18, 2010 | Charlene | 10642 views
Helmets and Skates WANTED!
Got some old kid-size helmets or skates gathering dust in the garage?  Minor Hockey would be more than happy to take them off your hands, and use them for a good cause. We're sponsoring a "Funskate" program in December aimed at kids who've never skated before, or are just learning.  The WSMHA is going to provide the ice, some hot chocolate, games and prizes. We'd like to have some helmets and skates that we can loan to anyone who doesn't have their own.   Boyds Source for Sports got us started by donating 30 pairs of skates, but we need more- particularly youth sizes or adult sizes 5 and under.  And we need helmets in a big way! If you can help, simply drop your items off at the Hockey Office at the Arena and we'll put them to good use.

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