WSMHA Calls on Community for Support, News (Whitchurch Stouffville Minor Hockey Association)

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Jul 31, 2013 | NathanT | 11585 views
WSMHA Calls on Community for Support
Hockey has come to represent the quintessential Canadian expression of passion for our country, our true north strong and free. It binds communities together, from town to town and coast to coast.

Stouffville, like hundreds of Canadian towns, is fortunate to have a rich and growing hockey population, serving over 900 family members, fueled by 200+ volunteer coaches, trainers, managers and board members. Integral to our hockey community is our business community, with many notable members who have stepped up to support hometown hockey through team sponsorships or donations to the WSMHA.

As our capacity is stretched, and base costs rise, so too does the funding required to maintain a full programme. In particular, to keep costs contained, our House League hockey relies upon team sponsorship to outfit players. With over 40 House League teams, there is no lack of opportunity for our community to contribute, and we are fortunate to have the continued generous annual sponsorship from many of our local businesses.

September's home openers are only a short distance away, and this season the WSMHA remains short of House League team sponsors. This is an opportunity for you to participate in the best part of hockey - hometown kids playing for the love of sport and their love of the game.

The WSMHA needs your help to bring hockey back to the rinks in full form this September!

If you can sponsor a team, or make a contribution to support our House League programme, please contact the hockey office at [email protected]

Thank you for your support & see you at the rink!!!
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