The process for the Vulnerable Sector Checks (VSC) has been centralized and will be conducted by the Ontario Hockey Federation (OHF) for all Team Officials and Team Personnel starting the 2024 - 2025 season.
The OHF will process and update your Hockey Canada profile. This is no longer done by the local association. It is imperative for all team staff, on-ice and off-ice volunteers as well as 3rd-party instructors ensure their Vulnerable Sector Check is completed and approved by the OHF to be eligible to participate with on-ice or off-ice team functions. If you live in York Region or Durham Region, applications are processed through your local police service.
For the 2024-25 season, a VSC from 2022 or 2023 is still valid and can be uploaded to the OHF for approval by skipping ahead to step 2. If your VSC is from 2021 or older a new VSC is required by following step 1 to use the online application portal.
Step 1
To obtain a new VSC, an online application is accessible from your local police department's website. A volunteer letter is required in order to obtain the volunteer discount when picking up your VSC.
Download the Volunteer letter
2024 OHF Volunteer Letter
York Region Residents
Online Application Link - York Region Police VSC Application Website link
Durham Region Residents
Online Application Link - Durham Region Police Application Website link
Toronto Residents
Please contact the hockey office for the required form.
Step 2
Once you have received your new VSC, or you have a valid VSC, it must be uploaded to the OHF for approval, do not upload the VSC to your personal Spordle profile. If you have applied for a new VSC, you can use the receipt as proof and upload it in PDF format in the interim to get approved. Once you receive the VSC, you can follow up and upload it at that time completing the process.
There are 2 parts to the OHF Screening Process.
Part 1 - logging in with your Spordle ID and answering the Declaration questions, do not upload your VSC or receipt to the documents section in part 1.
Part 2 - uploading your VSC or receipt (in PDF format) using the OHF Screening Submission Portal link on the thank you page which completes the process. The OHF will review and approve your VSC and update your Spordle profile.
A 2-minute video is a must watch outlining the process with step-by-step instructions.
YouTube Video link
Step 3
You are now ready to start the OHF Screening Process. Have your VSC (in PDF format), your HCR number and your Sprodle login and password ready. Start the OHF Screening process using the link below and follow the instructions. Once completed, a confirmation email will be sent, notifying you that the VSC is now under review.
OHF Screening Process link
Step 4
In 2-3 business days, your Spordle profile will be updated confirming you have a valid VSC on file. This is visible by logging into your Spordle Account and seeing a
icon . Your VSC has now been approved. If after 2-3 business days the green icon does not appear, contact the OHF by email at [email protected] inquiring about the status of your submission. The WSMHA does not have access to monitor your submission through the screening process and can not answer any questions regarding it's status.
OHF FAQ link
Submit your VSC receipt for reimbursement, further details are on the reimbursement page of our website
Certification Reimbursement Page link