Full equipment is required for participation in all age categories. A WSMHA hockey jersey and socks will be provided once team balancing has been completed. Players must be in full equipment for the evaluation sessions.
Equipment Tips
Equipment List YouTube Video on equipment fitting.
CSA Approved Hockey Helmet with a CSA approved hockey facial protector (full face mask) and chin strap attached. BNQ approved neck guard, mouth guard, shoulder pads, elbow pads, hockey gloves, Jock/Jill strap or Athletic supporter, hockey pants, shin pads, skates, stick and tape.
CSA Approved Hockey Helmet with a CSA approved hockey facial protector (full face mask) and chin strap attached. BNQ approved neck guard, mouth guard, throat protector, upper body pads, elbow pads, catcher & blocker gloves, Jock/Jill strap or Athletic supporter, goalie pants, goalie pads, skates, stick and tape.