Oct 17, 2010 | Elica I | 620 views
Soooo Close!!
The Peewee AE Clippers went back to back with Markham this past week.
Starting off in Stouffville this past Tuesday, the Peewee AE Clippers skated away with a 9-1 win over the Markham Waxers. On Saturday October the 16th, the Clippers headed to Centennial arena to once again face off with the Waxers.
The game was lacking in no way shape or form. The excitement of the pace and the back and forth goal scoring kept everyone on the edge of their seat. The Waxers were definately there to play, and play hard they did. The Clippers did not expect the Waxers to come out so strong. It came down to the last few minutes of the 3rd period for the Waxers to guarantee their win with a 2 goal lead. The Clippers being short handed still found as hard as they could to at least even up the score, but fell short.
Goals credited to: Tyler P, Cole M and 2 to Brody K. Assists credited to: Brody K, Marcus I, and Carson W.
The Clippers face off next with TNT in Stouffville on Wednesday October 20th at 8PM at the Clipper Complex.