Parent/Player Surveys, News (Whitchurch Stouffville Minor Hockey Association)

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Jan 26, 2017 | webmaster | 17755 views
Parent/Player Surveys
The WSMHA relies on feedback from players and parents re: our Rep, Rostered Select and House League programs, how they are or are not meeting your expectations and possible changes that would enhance the hockey-playing experience for our kids.   We know that many/ most parents occasionally have questions or concerns about some aspect of our programs as well as ideas for improvement.  

Unfortunately, if the Board and our volunteer coaches and administrators are not aware of these problems and opportunities there is little likelihood of significant change

We understand as well that some parents may be hesitant to voice an opinion that might be construed as a criticism of the Association or a volunteer for fear that  this might have negative repercussions for their child.  This should not be a concern.  Respondents have the option of completing the survey anonymously if they so wish, and the Association will make every effort to maintain confidentiality for anyone who identifies themselves on their survey.  Access to individual surveys is restricted to one senior member of the Board of Directors.

The survey is currently available on our website and can be completed on-line.  Please click on the links below to complete and submit the survey.  We look forward to receiving your feedback.

2016-2017 House League Parent/Player Survey

2016-2017 RS Parent/Player Survey

2016-2017 REP parent/player Survey
