Return To Play Facility Guidelines, News (Whitchurch Stouffville Minor Hockey Association)

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Sep 16, 2020 | webmaster | 2140 views
Return To Play Facility Guidelines
Return-to-Play Facility Guidelines  

Hockey returns to Stouffville this week after a six-month hiatus! It may look and feel a little different, but with your support we are confident we can make this a safe and enjoyable experience for everyone.   

The first change you’ll notice will occur before you even get to the rink. We are asking everyone to complete a brief health questionnaire on-line before you leave home. You can access and compete the form on the website under the COVID-19 Information tab or using this link COVID 19 Contact Tracing Form 

For the next few weeks all WSMHA events will be scheduled at Clipper Complex while we await ice-making equipment repairs at Stouffville Arena.  Please arrive no earlier than 15 minutes prior to the scheduled start of your event. Players should come dressed to go on the ice with the exception of skates.  An area will be set aside where players can put on their skates.  All players should wear a hockey jersey with a number for identification purposes.

Please note: We can only accommodate a maximum of one spectator per player in the facility under current government restrictions to a maximum of 50 people per ice pad which includes participants, coaches and spectators.  We know it’s difficult with younger players in particular, but we would appreciate it if you can do what you can to help us comply with this regulation.  

Town Staff have prepared a detailed outline of protocols designed to protect the health and safety of both participants and spectators while they are in the facility.  Please familiarize yourself with the guidelines for events at Clipper Complex by again going to our website under the COVID-19 tab . Your full cooperation, particularly as it relates to compliance with face covering protocols and facility signage, is required.

Clipper Complex Reopening Plan

 Clipper Complex Entrance and Exit Plan  

Upon completion of your on-ice event, players and spectators are asked to exit the facility within 10 minutes to allow the next user group to enter.    

Hockey Canada Positive Test Protocol

Hockey Canada Positive Test Protocol