Apr 08, 2013 | charlene | 1544 views
Permission to Skate Forms
Permission to Skate forms will be available at the hockey office beginning at 6pm on Tuesday, April 9th. Players wishing to try out for AAA hockey must get a form from the office. Note: A parent signature is required on the form. Forms for Junior A or C are also available. Parent signatures are also required on these forms if the player is younger than 18.
Office hours for Permission to Skate forms:
Tuesday, April 9th - 6-8:30pm
Thursday, April 11 - 10am - 1pm
Friday, April 12 - 10am - 1pm
Saturday, April 13 - 9am-12noon
Monday, April 15 - 9am - 1pm
Tuesday, April 16 - 6-8:30pm
Hockey registration will open on Tuesday, April 9th for the 2013-2014 season.