Compulsory Parent Program for 2014, News (Whitchurch Stouffville Minor Hockey Association)

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May 24, 2014 | charlene | 16317 views
Compulsory Parent Program for 2014
Click on the link to take the OMHA Parent Respect In Sport Course

The Ontario Minor Hockey Association (OMHA) has announced that at least one parent must compete the Parent Respect in Sport Program as "a condition of participation" for their child or children coming into the 2014 season.  The new requirement will apply to all minor hockey programs- House League, Rep and Rostered Select. The Parent RIS accreditation can be completed on-line by going to the OMHA website and clicking on "Respect".  A one-time fee of $12 per family will apply.  It is believed that the Respect in Sport Parent program will be a requirement for other minor sports in the future, and that the parental accreditation will be transferable to these sports.

The WSMHA encourages all hockey parents to go to the OMHA website and complete the program at their earliest convenience.  Players will not be able to play or practice until a parent has completed the RIS Parent
