Oct 12, 2010 | Elica I | 853 views
Team Update
It has been a very exciting September for the Minor Bantam AE Clippers.
We have already participated in our first tournament of the season. The Uxbridge Earlybird tournament proved to be very exciting and challenging for the boys. At the end of September the team sits with 4 wins and 2 losses under their belt. Most games have been nailbitting to say the least and the effort the kids are putting through is showing in each and every game.
Please join us at our next game Wednesday October 13th at 8PM Clipper Complex 1 vs Georgina. You'll also have you'll last chance to purchase tickets to our fundraising raffle with a chance to win Leaf Tickets, Maples of Ballantrae golf foursome with a cart, Car Detail at ALTA Nissan, Raptor Tickets, Youth Golf Clubs, NYS Dinner for 2, Massimo Gift Basket and Candle & Memories Gift Basket. Draw will be held immediately following the game.
Hope to see you there!!