Clippers host Uxbrige Bruins, News, IP Rostered Select, 2015-2016, Spare (Whitchurch Stouffville Minor Hockey Association)

This Team is part of the 2015-2016 season, which is not set as the current season.
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Jan 25, 2016 | BrandynB | 660 views
Clippers host Uxbrige Bruins
The Clippers played host to the Uxbridge Bruins, the Bruins came away with the win by a score of 4-1.

Player of the game went to #31 Nathan Sukovski, amazing game Nathan!

Hardest Worker Helmet went to #37 Brendan St. Croix, great job Brendan!

Game Stats:
Clippers Goal - Brendan St. Croix (unassisted)

Hard played game by the Clippers. Next up for the Clippers, they travel to Whitby to play the Wildcats on Friday at 6pm. Good luck Clippers!

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