Feb 28, 2016 | BrandynB | 773 views
Big W for the Clippers
The IP Select Clippers got back in the W column with a 3-1 win against the Georgina Blaze.
Player of the game went to #30 Jackson Stowar, great job Jackson!!
Hardest Worker Helmet went to #4 Sarah Casey, awesome job Sarah!!
Clippers Game Sheet:
Clippers Goal - Olivia Visconti, assisted by Kallen Vardy and Liam Louca
Clippers Goal - Kyle Hunter, assisted by Cole Burnett
Clippers Goal - Kyle Hunter, assisted by Brendan St. Croix
Next up for the Clippers, they play host to the Markham Waxers on March 7th (5pm - Stouffville Arena - PadA)