Bantam AA Team Outline, News, Major Bantam "AA", 2017-2018, Rep (Whitchurch Stouffville Minor Hockey Association)

This Team is part of the 2017-2018 season, which is not set as the current season.
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Jun 15, 2017 | StephanieP | 1181 views
Bantam AA Team Outline
Bantam Clippers AA

2017-2018 Welcome to the Bantam Clippers AA hockey team. We are very excited to have this group of boys this season and will work on many levels to make sure that they will have an exciting and successful year.  

Coaching Philosophy  

We expect the boys to have a positive attitude both on and off the ice. Work ethic is very important. We give our time and effort to the team and expect that the boys give their best effort back to us during practice, games and dry land programs. We want them to understand that they will only get out of the program what they put into it. When they are at practice they are there to work. There will be plenty of time for fun once the work has been put in.  We want the boys to gel and play as a team. This means learning to trust and depend on your lines, work plays taught in practice, lots of passing and looking for the opening, asking questions and thinking positive!  We ask that parents speak directly to the coaches if they have any questions or concerns with their child and we will work through it together as your child's well being is our primary concern.  

Practice and Game Regimen 

Dress Code: 

The kids must wear a shirt and tie with black dress pants and black shoes (please no running shoes) Black winter coat. We are not buying team coats. If you would like to purchase a Clippers jacket for your son you can when we order apparel or you can use your own pea coat for example as long as it is black. Players are to be at the rink 1 hr before game time. Players are to change into their warm up gear and warm up as a team. Players are to be at the rink 30 minutes before practice and are to be dressed and ready to go before Zamboni leaves the ice.  

Dressing room Etiquette:

 No parents in the room or outside of the room. The players are old enough to be independent.  Team water bottles will be provided for games only. Two coaches will be in the room at all times.  There is a zero tolerance rule for bullying - verbal, cyber or physical. There is a zero tolerance rule for disrespect of other players and coaches. If your child is being bullied please bring it to our attention and it will be dealt with swiftly and severely. If your child is the instigator that will also be dealt with swiftly and severely. We begin as a team and we end as a team there is no place for disrespect, cliques, put downs etc. The players will build each other up or they will not play  - it's as simple and straightforward as that. This will be made crystal clear to the players as well. Lose your bad attitude or lose your ice time. It's all about choices. 

Ice time  

Ice time will always be designated by the coach based on effort and game situation. We coach based on equitable ice time not equal ice time. 

Goalies  Goalies will share the season 50/50 as per usual, but coaching staff will decide on 20% of the games similar to players based on effort and game situation. 


One  away tournament - London ON - Oct 13-15, 2017. Staying at Delta London Armouries. Details to follow. 
Richmond Hill - Sept 7-10, 2017 2.) TBD  


The budget to date includes proposed expenses for our team for the 2016-2017 season. This budget does not include any sponsors or fundraising. Everyone will have contributed $2575 as of Oct 1st 2017. This leaves us with an approximately $1100 surplus. However depending on play office (I have only budgeted for 3 playoff games here) we may have to give another payment in the winter. Our budget right now is running around $43k but it may go as high as $48k-$50k depending on how we do but I will give you as much notice as possible. Sponsorships can be had for Home and Away jerseys, practice jerseys, and hoodies. Please let me know if you have anyone in mind who would like to contribute.  Do you want to fundraise? If anyone wants to be in charge of this let me know. If you all just want to cut the cheques we can do that too. 

Dry Land Training 

There will be a dry land program in place starting at the end of May and going throughout the summer. This program will be run by Josephine Burrows (Xfit Junction) and Stephanie Pollard (Blue Dragonfly Yoga). Josephine is a CF level 1 Crossfit Instructor and an RHN (registered holistic nutritionist) who believes fueling and exercising the body properly will lead to the best performance possible and Stephanie Pollard is a 200 hour certified yoga instructor who believes that fitness is both mental and physical. I will help guide the players to develop focus, inner strength and physical fitness through the use of yoga and pilates. Dry land will consist of a mix of Crossfit, plyometrics, running, yoga and pilates. We will also be doing several physical team building exercises to develop awareness of others and an evolving understanding of what a team really is - and it's not just a group of kids selected to play ON the same team. WE will be starting one night per week in May and June and in July we will be doing Tuesday and Thursday mornings. IMPORTANT! PARENTS ARE NOT TO GET THEIR PLAYERS TO DRY LAND!! Dry land is not meant to be one more 'job' for parents to do. One more 'stop' on the taxi route. Your son is to walk, run, scooter, skateboard, long board, beg their older sibling for a ride, ride his bike, however he can get there on his own two 13 or 14 year old feet, that is how he is to get there. Now obviously we know that not all kids live right in town and to those parents we say thank you so much for making the effort on behalf of your child. Josephine is able to pick up some of the out of town kids and I can also get them there as well. But for those in town kids who love to be on the couch until 5 minutes before they have to be there - it is their job to get there. If they are late or if they choose not to show up, let's just say they will have an extra special work out next time they are there. There will be accountability with this program. We will do a baseline workout this spring and will expect the boys to have a 10%-20% increase in their strength/times etc by the time September rolls around. We will do another baseline then. We do ask that you provide your son with a yoga mat. These can usually be had for around $20 at Winners and a water bottle. Everything else we will provide in terms of equipment. We all will have holidays this summer and as such we know that the boys will miss here and there. We are going to have a closed Instagram group which our team and Josephine and I can post and communicate with one another. Every Tuesday and Thursday we will post a workout on Instagram for those that aren't there to do at the cottage or campsite or where ever they are. It will be up to them to do it. These workouts will not involve any equipment, only the players own body weight in order for them to be able to complete it. Josephine and I have holidays throughout the summer as well and will cover for each other and we may even get some guest trainers in as well. If you have any concerns about Instagram please let me know... All dry land during the spring and summer will happen at the track by the Stouffville Arena. Once hockey commences we will have the upstairs room at the arena before one of our practices. As soon as we have our schedule I will be able to let you know which nights it will be. Thank you so much for your co-operation. If you have any questions please let us know.   

The Coaching Staff.            
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